First Communion Registration has closed
– Contact the office for details.
Parents and caregivers of students beginning Grade 2 (and above) in September 2024 are invited to pre-register for participation in our sacramental preparation program for:
First Reconciliation (December 19, 2024)
First Holy Communion (June 21, 2025)
Our Sacramental Preparation program for First Reconciliation and First Communion is designed as a faith journey for kids, and their parents/caregivers to take together. Our process for preparation consists of some sessions done at home (at your comfort) as well as a few workshops at the Church, including a retreat.
Program Overview
- Register online (click the button below).
- Submit fee, baptism certificate, and all other required information to the church.
- Complete the at-home chapters and videos together.
- Attend Church sessions and the retreat.
Frequently Asked Questions: