Friday, March 25 at 12:10PM
Bishop Daniel Miehm will be joining Pope Francis, other bishops and the faithful from around the world in consecrating Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary this Friday, March 25, at the Noon Mass at St. Peter’s Cathedral. The Mass and consecration will be livestreamed on the Diocesan YouTube channel, click here to view when it is live.
Let us ask the Lord of life to deliver us from war. Everything is lost with war. There is no victory in a war. May the Lord send His Spirit to make us understand that war is a defeat of humanity. #PrayTogether #Peace
Pope Francis
How will our parish observe this day?
The Church will be open all day for prayer (8AM until 8PM) for those who would like to spend some time in private prayer.
Mass will be celebrated at 12:10PM, followed by Eucharistic Adoration until Benediction at 3PM.
The Stations of the Cross will be prayed at 6PM.
How can we support the people of Ukraine?
The Roman Catholic Diocese of Peterborough reached out to the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Toronto and Eastern Canada to ask how we can help. The Eparchy has recommended that the Diocese encourage parishes and parishioners to donate and they have provided advice on how to do so. In this regard, the Diocese has made a $10,000 donation to Ukraine to help ease the suffering of the Ukrainian people.
Here’s two ways you can help:
Help through the Knights of Columbus
Help provide temporary shelter, food, medical supplies, clothing, communications and religious supplies. 100% of your gift will go directly to these displaced people *be sure to select CAD to give your gift in Canadian Dollars.
Help through the Catholic Near East Association
So far, CNEWA Canada has raised over $350,000 for Ukraine. There is a 5% processing fee giving through CNEWA, so 95% of your gift goes to the people of Ukraine.
Not able to join us?
The faithful who are not able to join in the consecration on Friday may offer one decade of the Rosary to our Blessed Mother for this intention.
Our Lady, Queen of Peace – Pray for us.